Monday, June 22, 2009

False Alarm

For those waiting to hear the results of my talk with management, I fear you'll have to wait. I chickened out.

That's actually an over-simplification of things. I got up late for work Sunday night, and forwent taking a shower and shaving in order to get in on time. When Monday morning rolled around, I was fairly scruffy, and I didn't feel comfy discussing my feelings of gender ambiguity when my appearance so firmly cast me in one direction. I had time for proper grooming last night, so this morning I'll give it a go.

To be completely honest, I am a little frightened over this. One reason I waited so long last year was that I was hoping that ENDA would pass. It didn't, and the prospect of getting tossed out into the street with no recourse or protection is a little disheartening, to say the least. My current manager is a lot more open-minded than her predecessor, and I think she'll stand by me, but the owner may not give her the choice. I've just got to say something about this to someone in an official capacity before I pop.

1 comment:

  1. Hard call to make, Jaye.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you, honey

